7 Tourist Facilities in Hokuryu Town: 7) Yew Forest and Literature Forest

7 北竜町の観光施設:⑦ イチイの森と文学の森 1

7 北竜町の観光施設:⑦ イチイの森と文学の森 2

(7) Yew forest and literary forest

The forest is handmade by the residents of Hokuryu Town, supported by their desire to cherish nature.

Along the walking path in the forest, a monument to Mr. Shosuke Yoshiue, a poet associated with Hokuryu Town, a monument to Mr. Nobuaki Takahashi, who impressed many people with his nickname "Dorokame-san" in the University of Tokyo Experiment Forest in Furano, and a monument to Mr. Oniroku Minamoto, the leader of the "Road" haiku club, are erected, allowing visitors to experience the romanticism of literature.

The yew forest was created in 1995 on a 2 ha area on a hillside 550 m west of the park golf course, adjacent to the Sunflower Village and the park golf course. The yew tree was established in 1982 as the "Hokuryu Town Tree". It is a tall evergreen tree and its ability to withstand wind and snow was symbolized as pioneer spirit.

At the end of 1994, Mr. Shinji Kanayama, a representative of the Yamakawa Soshoku no Kai, came to the town office with Mr. Notsuki, a representative of the Yamakawa Soshoku no Kai, to plant even one tree to protect the mountains and the earth. A planting ceremony was held the following year on June 11, 1995.

When Mr. Shinji Kanayama learned that the famous professor emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Dr. Nobuakiyo Takahashi, a.k.a. "Dorokame-san," was scheduled to visit, he made a giant dragon figure out of Kamuiko-ishi stone. Dr. Takahashi was so moved by the sight of so many townspeople that he later received a poem monument from Dr. Doro in 1997.

(The forest is beautiful because of the spirit of love for future generations, and the town of Hokuryu, where many people have such a heart, has a future and a dream.)

Nobuakiyo Takahashi - Professor Emeritus of the University of Tokyo, Director of the University of Tokyo Experiment Forest in Furano, Hokkaido, he has devoted 36 years of his life to forestry research and established natural forest management methods. He is said to be the foster parent of the Experiment Forest. He has received numerous awards, including the 1st Asahi Forest Culture Award and the Japan Academy's Duke of Edinburgh Award, and is the author of "Living in the Sea of Rubble," "Poetry Collection Dorokame-san," "Playing in the Forest," and others.

In this forest, one monument for poetry, one monument for poetry, and eight monuments for haiku poems have been erected, and plans call for the continued erection of more monuments related to literature. The plan is to continue erecting literary monuments in the future. The aim is to create a unique tourist attraction as "a forest of yew trees and literature.

The Monument.

0 Tamaki Haru, Love for Life, the Magnitude and Preciousness of My Works, November 3, 1996, Kohsuke Yoshiue

"Poetic Monuments."

0 There is beauty in the forest, there is love, there are dreams here June 11, 1997 Nobuakiyo Takahashi (Dorokame-san)

"Phrase monument."

0 Ashi ao kuyuu kuyuu ki ni tareru watashi no yamakawa Heisei 4 july 19 kayo kabata karoku
0 Not even the heads of those digging in the snow and digging in the dirt can be seen June 11, 1998, Nakamura Kohito
0 May Mori with transparent small fish eyes June 11, 1999 Ryu Miyawaki
0 Oblate transparent, my hometown is a land of snow June 11, 2000 Mitsuko Sasaki
0 Winter wild geese's chest to measure the depth of the heavens June 11, 2001 Shindo Murasaki
0 Jyugyoretsu Forest This is the place associated with Kousei June 20, 2012 Reiko Yamamoto
0 The ocean currents go to Kabarata, the anniversary of the end of the war, July 18, 2014, Minamoto Onihiko
00 The habit of gripping the rice paddy in the hands of the rice paddy dancers September 16, 2020 Masatoshi Yamagishi

*Other literary monuments have been erected in front of the community center.

"Poetic Monuments."

z Every day, every day, the time of the setting sun comes toward the reddish sky, and the villagers return home.
  The evening primrose raises its buds and smiles, while the twilight wind does not blow, and the butterfly draws an electrocardiogram.
  He flew beyond Mt.

  July 20, 1974 Aio Kato

"Phrase monument."

0 Eagle frog on stump with father's annual ring August 10, 1969 North light star
0 Spring gale, one furnace deep, flute sleeping August 20, 1989 Tanaka Hokuto


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