7 Tourist Facilities in Hokuryu Town: (2) Kompira Park

7 北竜町の観光施設:②  金比羅公園

Kompira Park

The red drum bridge over the pond and the red roof of the rest area accentuate the park's location on top of a small hill. The park is usually in full bloom from early May to early June with Ezo-yamazakura and shibazakura cherry trees, and in the fall, the park is enveloped in autumn leaves, offering beautiful seasonal scenery.

Kompira Park, with a site of 2.4 ha, is located approximately 2 km west of the intersection of National Highway No. 275 and Road No. 94, Zengo Inada Line.

In 1970, the town implemented a three-year project to create Kompira Park, which includes a reservoir, road, rest area, parking lot, water supply facilities, restrooms, outdoor stage and campground, and other facilities. Many cherry trees are planted in the park.

In 1979, Tsutomu Sako, a member of the secretariat, asked the president of Otani Seed & Seedling (Takeshi Otani) in Fukagawa City to plant turf cherry trees (Operation Skirt) at the foot of the mountain in Kompira Park, Mr. Otani donated 100,000 yen worth of lawn cherry trees to me because I am from Mitani and I was indebted to him.

With the cooperation of the Mitani Neighborhood Association, trees were planted, and azaleas, flowering trees, and other plants were transplanted to make the area a park. However, the cherry blossoms had hardly taken root, and later 100 cherry trees and 1,500 mossphlox plants were planted by members of the Hokuryu-cho Lions Club. The Cherry Blossom Festival was held from the first festival in 1970 to the 22nd festival in 1991.


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