The "peony," a neat flower dyed in the color of a maiden's shame.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

The peony flower reminds us of the beautiful figure of a woman: "A peony when standing, a peony when sitting, and a lily when walking.

The distinction between peonies and peonies (botan) is"Leaf shape."He said.

  • Peony:Jagged incisions are made.
  • Peony:Slightly rounded, not incised

The language of flowers of the peony is "bashfulness," "shyness," and "modesty.

The gentle pink petals, which seem to be a maiden's shyness, are illuminated by the morning sun and radiate a clear light.

A neat flower "Peony".
Flowers that sparkle in the morning sun and give off a clear light

◇ikuko (photo by noboru)