The collaboration event with Mukohi Restaurant and Hekisui Police Station will be held only for Hokuryu Town residents! We will adjust the next event so that non-town residents can also participate 👍【Hokuryu Kendama Club

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Updated: Thursday, March 7, 2024

【お知らせ・3/7時点 開催延期】お食事処向日葵さんとのコラボイベントと碧水駐在所さんとのコラボイベントを北竜町民限定で開催決定!次回からは町民以外も参加できるように調整します 👍【北竜けん玉クラブ】
The collaboration event with Mukohi Restaurant and Hekisui Police Station will be held only for Hokuryu Town residents! We will adjust the next event so that non-town residents can also participate 👍【Hokuryu Kendama Club

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