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We apologize for not being able to move you immediately to the page you are looking for.
The page you are looking for may be in the old site.

In many cases, you can find them on the former Hokuryu Town Portal, so could you please visit the following address? We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you in advance for your cooperation.

interpoint (interword separation)Sunflower Village interpoint (interword separation)Kurokeshi Soybeans interpoint (interword separation)Hokuryu Hot Spring interpoint (interword separation)What's New interpoint (interword separation)Treasures of Hokuryu Town interpoint (interword separation)Hokuryu Town
interpoint (interword separation)Yutaka Sano Mayor interpoint (interword separation)town-managed ski resort

(All articles from 2011 to 2019 are available here.)

January 20, 2020 Hokuryu Town Portal Operation Manager: Noboru Terauchi & Ikuko Terauchi, Hokuryu Town Community Support Workers

Former Hokuryu Town Portal (2011-2020)

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