🌻 On Friday, November 24, the "Gourmet Gris Stamp Rally" sponsored by the Hokuryu Town Food and Beverage Association will begin! Please accumulate stamps from 4 stores to get gourmet coupons that can be used in the town👍【Mukohi Restaurant

Monday, November 27, 2023

🌻 11月24日(金)北竜町料飲店組合主催の「グルメグリスタンプラリー」始まります! 4店舗のスタンプを貯めて町内で使えるグルメクーポンゲットしてください👍【お食事処向日葵】
🌻 On Friday, November 24, the "Gourmet Gris Stamp Rally" sponsored by the Hokuryu Town Food and Beverage Association will begin! Please accumulate stamps from 4 stores to get gourmet coupons that can be used in the town👍【Mukohi Restaurant