Artemis Sorachi launches women's volleyball junior high school club team to cope with declining birthrate and secure practice space [Hokkaido Shimbun].

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

The Hokkaido Shimbun, an Internet site operated by the Hokkaido Shimbun (Sapporo), featured an article (dated August 10) titled "Artemis Sorachi Launches Girls' Volleyball Junior High School Club Team to Address Declining Birthrate and Secure Practice Space.

Artemis Hokkaido Sorachi is a junior team of "Artemis Hokkaido," which is a member of the women's third division (V3) of the Volleyball V-League. The coach of the team is Ken Hashimoto, the volleyball coach of Hokuryu Junior High School.

アルテミス空知が発足 女子バレー中学生クラブチーム 少子化対応、練習場確保へ【北海道新聞】
Artemis Sorachi launches women's volleyball junior high school club team to cope with declining birthrate and secure practice space [Hokkaido Shimbun].