Friday, August 4, ▶︎▶︎ About the best time to eat sunflower melons ✨Three articles for tasting sunflower melons [Agricultural Cooperative Corporation Honoka].

Monday, August 7, 2023

I bought a melon ministry and received it.
Three articles for tasting sunflower melons


  1. Do not refrigerate the ministry immediately.
    This melon ripens at room temperature.
    🌻 直射日光を避けて保存してください 🌻
  2. As the vines ripen, they begin to wilt.
    Please be a little more patient with the ministry.
  3. When the vine is thin and wilted and the bottom is slightly soft, it's ready to eat.
    Refrigerate for 1-2 hours before serving.


Eat melon and be HAPPY in ministry!
Sunflower Melon Agricultural Cooperative Honoka
Please take care of