New "Hokuryu Town Portal" renewal site launch: January 20, 2020 (Monday)

Monday, January 20, 2020

The new Hokuryu Town portal site was launched on January 6 (Mon.), and the new site was launched on January 20 (Mon.).

Problems encountered

・Google made an announcement about the new version of Google Sites in 2016, and announced the unification of the Google Sites into the new Google Sites in 2017.
The deadline for migration from the existing Google site to the new Google site is the end of 2021.
The "Hokuryu Town Portal" using the existing Google site was found to be unsuccessful in migrating to the new Google site.
The table of contents is now in Google Docs, and it does not support searching past articles well.
If you don't migrate to the new site, the articles on the Hokuryu Portal will be erased.
The conventional portal of the former Hokuryu Town is not sufficiently compatible with smartphones (the screen structure is small and difficult to read).

So, instead of a Google site, we decided to set up a separate server and build an independent site.

Purpose of building a new site (current configuration)

The site should be a coexistence of static HTML and dynamic Wordpress.
The URL should be the same as the existing Google Site.
Enable "Hokuryu Town Portal" articles to be viewed on the new "X server" server.
Future articles will be sent out via Wordpress.
Make the site easy to read even on a smartphone.

Technical issues cleared

I searched, read, researched, and bookmarked the valuable records of those who came before me.
I kept reading over and over until I had a simulation in my head of what software to use and how to use it.

Do not change the domain name/use the same domain

Use a domain name obtained from Google Apps eNom.
Domain (subdomain) registration with X server

Download files in the Hokuryu Town Portal

SiteSucker use
Download all files from the existing Google Site (about 7,000 files)

Provide an environment where you can access and work directly on the X server.

Hosts rewriting of PC

Upload all files to X server

FileZilla is used.

Opening a new Wordpress

Use X server installation service
Set .htaccess so that the top page is in Wordpress.
Set the theme to Luxeritas.
Basic settings are implemented.

Name server rewriting

Change IP address to A record in eNom's host record
Internet access was available in about 2 hours (they said it usually takes about 72 hours)

Setting up access analysis tools

Google Analytics Settings
Google Search Console Settings

Site map indexing

Obtain sitemap.xml using PRO-Sitemaps (about 8,200 URLs)

Conversion of the site to always-on SSL

Setup for X server's own SSL setting function and subdomain.
Change the WordPress address (URL) and site address (URL) to https in WP→Settings→General.
Download all static and WP files from the site using Filezilla
With the free software BBEdit, http://potral -> https://portalに変換
 Select Multi-File Seardch, project, option All file type
Upload all files overwritten by Fillezilla
Verified by mac, F12, and Console on the main page.
If you have Mix, use BBEdit to modify all files at once and re-upload them.
URL of the site for Google Analytics Profile Probity Settings and View Settings at https://に変更
Add the domain in Google Console's Add Property.
In the DNS record setting of the X server, in the DNS record setting, set the type to TXT and enter the content specified in Google Console.
In the Pro Sitemap, go to https://サイト全体のSitemap.xmlを作成
Upload sitemap.xml to X server
Enter sitemap sitemap.xml in Google Console

Future Issues

Study to see if all files can be accessed by rewriting .htaccess.

See also: Old Hokuryu Town Portal

Hokuryu Town Portal

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We will continue to transmit the charms of Hokuryu-cho, where we "share the joy" to the fullest extent of our ability. We look forward to your continued patronage.

◇ Noboru Terauchi & Ikuko