Beginning of a new season with Setsubun and Risshun

Saturday, February 4, 2023

February 3 (Friday) is Setsubun, the turning point of the season, and today, February 4 is Risshun, the beginning of a new season.

This year's Setsubun ehomaki is the ehomaki at the Mukohi Restaurant!
Three kinds of delicious ehomaki: ehomaki, kaisen maki, and sukiyaki style meat maki!
The dish is gobbled up as it faces south-southeast, the direction of blessing this year!

Then, the beans are thrown with the words "Pestilence - outside, happiness - inside"!
We give thanks to the demons that drive away the evil spirits that cause epidemics, and we pray from the bottom of our hearts to the God of Fortune who invites health and happiness into our lives.

3 kinds of ehoumaki by Mukohi, a restaurant

Wish me happiness and gobble it up!
Hokuryu Town Portal

Monday, January 23, 2023 View this post on Instagram Dining Restaurant Mukohi🌻(@himawari_hokuryu)...

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