The Hokuryu Sunflower Festival drew a record 280,000 visitors, the third largest on record, and recovered to pre-Corona levels, attracting many individual visitors.

Friday, September 16, 2022

The Hokkaido Shimbun and Doshin E-edition featured "Hokuryu Sunflower Festival Attracts 280,000 Visitors, Third Highest on Record, Recovering to Pre-Corona Level" and "Kita Sorachi: Hopes for Bumper Soybean Harvest" (both in the September 16 morning edition).

Hokuryu Sunflower Festival draws 280,000 visitors

280,000 visitors to Hokuryu Sunflower Festival, third largest on record, recovered to pre-Corona level, with many individual visitors "showing their ability to attract customers.

 「北竜・ひまわりまつり 来場者28万人」:北海道新聞 どうしん電子版
Hokuryu Sunflower Festival draws 280,000 visitors [Hokkaido Shimbun, Doshin E-ban].

Kitakukochi Expectations for a Bumper Soybean Crop Harvest Begins

Harvest of soybeans has begun in Mr. Omae's field in Itaya, Hokuryu-cho (Photo: Harvesting soybeans in progress in Mr. Omae's field)

「北空知 大豆豊作に期待 収穫始まる」:北海道新聞 どうしん電子版
Hokkaido Shimbun, Doshin E-ban] "North Sorachi: Expectations for a Bumper Soybean Harvest" [Hokkaido Shimbun, Doshin E-ban].

Image on the front page

 「北竜・ひまわりまつり 来場者28万人」「北空知 大豆豊作に期待 収穫始まる」:北海道新聞 どうしん電子版
Hokuryu Sunflower Festival draws 280,000 visitors.
Hokkaido Shimbun, Doshin E-ban

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