Mr. Koki Takada's (Hokuryu Town) dry-field direct sown rice, "Emimaru," shows tremendous growth during the ripening stage!

Friday, August 12, 2022

Emimaru" dry-field direct-seeded rice cultivated by Koki Takada, a Hokuryu-machi resident, has reached the ripening stage, and the ears are maturing as photosynthesis is actively taking place in the great sunlight.

We express our infinite love, gratitude, and prayers for Emimaru, who grows strong and vigorous, receiving the full blessings of nature, with its large temperature differences, sunshine, and rain.

Emimaru" dry-field direct-seeded rice with ears of rice fluttering in the wind
Ripening under the light of the great sun!
With gratitude for the blessings of Mother Nature.


Hokuryu Town Portal

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Hokuryu Town Portal

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Hokuryu Town Portal

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