Roadside Station: Sunflower Field Grown by Townspeople at Sunflower Hokuryu! Open-air baths with hot spring water are available 【Rurubu Kids

Thursday, July 21, 2022

We are pleased to announce that Roadside Station Sunflower Hokuryu has been featured on the "Rurubu Kids" website, a travel information site for children and travelers operated by JTB Publishing (Tokyo).

道の駅 サンフラワー北竜で町民が育てたヒマワリ畑に感動!源泉かけ流しの露天風呂あり【るるぶKids】

道の駅 サンフラワー北竜で町民が育てたヒマワリ畑に感動!源泉かけ流しの露天風呂あり - るるぶKids -2 At Roadside Station Sunflower Hokuryu, we were impressed by the sunflower fields grown by the townspeople!
There is an open-air bath with spring water [Rurubu Kids].
Rurubu Kids

Rurubu Kids, a travel and outing information site for children, provides daily travel information and outing spots that can be enjoyed by children and the whole family....

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