Fukagawa Police Department donated 1,000 chopstick bags with "Bohantai Kawayagi" to Hokuryu-cho restaurant association to prevent special fraud [Hokusachi Shimbun].

Monday, May 23, 2022

The Kita Sorachi Shimbun newspaper reported that "Fukagawa Police Department donated 1,000 chopstick bags of "Bohantai Kawayagi" to Hokuryu-cho restaurant association to prevent special fraud (dated May 21, 2022).

「防犯川柳」の箸袋で特殊詐欺防ぐ 深川署が北竜町料飲店組合に1000枚寄贈【北空知新聞】
Fukagawa Police Department donated 1,000 chopstick bags with "Bohantai Kawayagi" to Hokuryu-cho restaurant association to prevent special fraud [Hokusachi Shimbun].