Thursday, August 5, 2021
We received 64 heartwarming tax payment and support messages for Hokuryu Town during May 2021. We would like to express our sincere appreciation. Thank you very much.
Here are some excerpts
Here is a partial list.
I went there on a trip two summers ago. I was so impressed by the beautiful sunflower fields and the rice I ate at the roadside station that I have been eating Hokuryu-cho rice ever since. I know it must be tough with the Corona disaster, but I wish you all the best. I will definitely visit there someday.
I always get Yumepirika from Hokuryu Town. It tastes better than Yumepirika from other areas. When I recommend Yumepirika to someone, I always say "Yumepirika from Hokuryu Town".
I always receive oborozuki. It is delicious and I like it very much, but it is not sold very often, so I appreciate the hometown tax payment. Please continue to bring us delicious rice! (Hokkaido, Japan)
Thank you for your delicious rice. I like Yumepirikomo-rice, but Natsuboshi rice is just right for my child's lunch box.
My children only eat rice from here. It tastes good even when it is cold. I would like to support this hometown with my tax payment, even if it is only a small contribution.
More than 2,000 residents, easy-going! I like the open mayor's office. I'm going to eat watermelon!
Thank you for your numerous positive messages!

▶ Inquiries: Planning and Promotion Division, Hokuryu Town Hall Tel: 0164-34-2111
Total 66 messages(Click on image to enlarge in another window)

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