Thursday, June 16, 2021
We received 58 heartwarming tax payment and support messages for Hokuryu Town during March 2021. We would like to express our sincere appreciation. Thank you very much.
Here are some excerpts
Here is a partial list.
I can no longer eat rice other than Yumepirika (Kagoshima Prefecture).
I am enjoying the low pesticide brown rice. Please keep up the good work and don't let the coronas get the best of you! (Nara, Japan)
The first time I had Nanatsubosi, it was very tasty. I wanted to support Hokuryu Town, which has a small population, and recommended it to my friends (Ibaraki Prefecture).
I like this quote. 'Every man should drink, work hard, and find fulfillment. It is a gift from God." Good rice is a wonderful gift (Aichi Prefecture)
The return of rice is very attractive. If the contents do not change, I would like to donate again in the future. I would love to visit Hokuryu Town once Corona settles down.
Last year, we were unable to see the magnificent sunflower fields. This year, first of all, we hope that you will manage to plant "sunflower" seeds and make them "seeds of hope" while we all think of measures to avoid three densely populated areas (Hokkaido).
Thank you for your numerous positive messages!

▶ Inquiries: Planning and Promotion Division, Hokuryu Town Hall Tel: 0164-34-2111
58 messages in total(Click on image to enlarge in another window)

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