public organization

  • March 9, 2021

Congratulations! The FY2020 Sorachi Province Education Practice Commendation "Hokuryu Town Committee for Promoting Interaction between Children and the Elderly" Receives the Award

March 9, 2021 (Tuesday) The Hokuryu-cho Committee for Promoting Friendship between Children and the Elderly won the Sorachi Education Bureau's 2020 Sorachi Province Education Practice Awards in the group category, and the award ceremony was held on March 8 (Monday) at the auditorium of the Hokuryu-cho Community Center [...].

  • February 5, 2021

Celebration! Hokuryu-cho Sunflower Oil Reclamation Project receives the FY 2020 "Hometown Creation Grand Prize" Local Government Commendation (Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Award) & Hokkaido Governor's Certificate of Appreciation for "Achieving 5,000 Days of Zero Deaths from Traffic Accidents" Ceremony

February 5, 2021 (Friday) On February 4 (Thursday), at the reception room of the Hokuryu Town Hall, a ceremony was held to present the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications FY 2020 "Hometown Creation Awards" to local governments and a certificate of appreciation to the Hokkaido Governor for "achieving 5,000 days with no deaths from traffic accidents" to [...].

  • January 22, 2021

Celebration! Hokuryu Town (Sunflower Oil Reclamation Project) was selected to receive the "Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, FY 2020 Hometown Creation Awards" local government commendation (Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications Commendation)!

January 22, 2021 (Friday) According to a Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC) press release dated January 21, 2020, Hokuryu Town (Mayor Yutaka Sano) has been selected to receive the "Local Government Commendation (Minister's Commendation)" at the "Hometown Creation Awards 2020" organized by the MIC [...]...