Hokuryu Town, Former Mayor Yutaka Sano Activity Report

  • May 24, 2022

Yutaka Sano, Mayor of Hokuryu Town Activity report, May 23 (Mon.): Meeting of town mayors, department heads, etc., meeting of regular vice presidents of the Sorachi Region Comprehensive Development Association (Hokuryu Town), general meeting of the B&G Ocean Center Liaison Council (Sunagawa City)

Tuesday, May 24, 2022 Certificate of commendation "No.5 in the nation in the ratio of population and users of ocean centers in FY2021" No.5 in the nation in the category of "Shed and outdoor pool" in FY2021" Hokuryu-cho B&G Ocean Center, Hokkaido [...].

  • May 16, 2022

Activity report by Yutaka Sano, Mayor of Hokuryu Town, on Wednesday, May 11, 2012 ☆ Central request activity of Sorachi Town and Village Association regarding direct payment grants for paddy field utilization (Tokyo, 3rd day)

May 16, 2022 (Mon.) May 11 (Wed.) ☆ Central request activity of Sorachi Town and Village Association regarding direct payment grants for paddy field utilization (Day 3) 09:20 Meeting with Mr. Takeshi Hasegawa, Chairman of the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 10:30 Meeting with Mr. Hiroshi Kamiya, Commissioner for Agriculture and Fisheries of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan [...].

  • May 16, 2022

Yutaka Sano, Mayor of Hokuryu Town Activity report/Tuesday, May 10 ☆ Central request activity of the Sorachi Association of Towns and Villages regarding direct rice paddy payment grants (Tokyo, Day 2)

May 16, 2022 (Monday) May 10 (Tuesday) ☆ Sorachi Association of Towns and Villages Central request activities regarding direct rice paddy payment subsidy (Day 2) 10:00 Meeting with Mr. Hisashi Inazu, Director of Agriculture and Fisheries Committee, New Komeito 10:30 Visit to the office of a member of the House of Representatives elected in Hokkaido [...].

  • May 16, 2022

Yutaka Sano, Mayor of Hokuryu Town Activity report, May 9 (Mon) Sorachi Town and Village Association's Central Request Activity regarding Direct Payment Grants for Utilization of Rice Paddies (Tokyo, Day 1)

Monday, May 16, 2022 Monday, May 9, 2022 ✦Sorachi Association of Towns and Villages Central request activity regarding direct payment grants for paddy field utilization 13:00 Meeting with Mr. Koichi Watanabe, Parliamentary Secretary for Internal Affairs and Communications 14:00 Meeting with Mr. Yutaka Moriyama, Acting Chairman of LDP General Assembly 14:30 [...].