Video] The cross-section of the watermelon is bright and shining yellow! The harvest of watermelon, a specialty of the town of sunflowers, has begun! Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido: STV NEWS [Yahoo News

Friday, June 7, 2024

STV Sapporo TV News "Cross-sectional bright yellow! The harvest of watermelons, a specialty of the town of sunflowers, has begun! Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido [STV NEWS]" was featured on Yahoo News (June 6).

断面鮮やか輝く黄色!ひまわりの町の特産すいか、収穫始まる ことしは甘い! 北海道北竜町:STV NEWS【Yahooニュース】
The cross-section of the watermelon is bright yellow! The harvest of watermelons, a specialty of the town of sunflowers, has begun!
 Hokuryu Town, Hokkaido: STV NEWS [Yahoo News

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