Tuesday, October 4, 2022
We received 12 heartwarming tax payment and support messages for the town of Hokuryu during September 2022. We will deliver them to the residents of Hokuryu Town. We thank you from the bottom of our heart. Thank you very much.
Here are some excerpts
Here are some excerpts.
Yumepirika is our No. 1 brand. Thanks to the producers... we cook it as deliciously as possible. Thank you for everything (Tokyo, Japan)
Our rice is always from Hokuryu-cho. It is time for the new rice crop of 2022. How is this year's crop? We are looking forward to it.
This is my second donation. I know it must be hard to weed the rice paddies, but I hope for herbicide-free rice paddies, even if only a little. I wish you good luck (Chiba, Japan)
Thank you for your delicious rice.
I hope this will be a source of funds for children to grow up healthy and happy. I would very much appreciate it (Kyoto, Japan)
I always enjoy the food. We hope it will help support your child-raising activities. I have been a fan of Oborozuki since I had it when I lived in Hokkaido (Miyagi Prefecture).
This year's sunflowers were glorious. I hope that the rice will be delicious again in the fall harvest. Thank you to the farmers who produced them (Hokkaido)
Thank you for your numerous positive messages!

▶ Inquiries: Planning and Promotion Division, Hokuryu Town Hall Tel: 0164-34-2111
All messages(Click on image to enlarge in another window)

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