Healthy growth of "Emimaru" dry-field direct-seeded rice by Koki Takada (Hokuryu Town)

Monday, June 27, 2022

Seedlings of "Emimaru" dry-field direct-seeded rice cultivated by Koki Takada, a Hokuryu Town resident, are growing greener and healthier every day.

Two months after seeding at the end of April, compaction, soil covering, watering, herbicide spraying, and other operations were carried out. Since then, the seedlings have been growing steadily, germinating, establishing, and dividing.

We express our unlimited love, gratitude, and prayers to "Emimaru," the direct-sown rice that grows vigorously and freely, bathed in the energy of nature's bountiful blessings, including fertile soil, pure water, and the light of the great sun.

Emimaru" grows up strong (photo taken on June 20).

Direct-seeded "Emimaru" rice grows vigorously

Directly sown rice "Emimaru" grows vigorously (photo taken on Monday, June 20).

Growing healthier and greener day by day

Growing healthier and greener day by day: photo taken on Monday, June 20.

Progress report of field photography after seeding.

Water filling operation: photo taken on Monday, May 2

Water filling operation: photo taken on Monday, May 2

One week after watering: photo taken on Sunday, May 8

One week after watering: photo taken on Sunday, May 8

Field with receding water: photo taken on Monday, May 23

Field with receding water: photo taken on Monday, May 23

Germination: Taken on Monday, May 30

germination state

Grow up strong and healthy!"
Emimaru" grows up strong and healthy with our gratitude!

Grow up strong and healthy!"

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