Monday, June 21, 2021
We received 66 heartwarming tax payment and support messages for Hokuryu Town during April 2021. We thank you from the bottom of our heart. Thank you very much.
Here are some excerpts
Here is a partial list.
I was looking for Natsuboshi no-rinse rice, but since it is low in pesticides, I really wanted to try it. I want to go see the sunflower field when Corona settles down (Hokkaido).
I donate every year and receive delicious rice. Every time I see a picture of a field of sunflowers, I wish I could visit there someday. I hope I can be of some help (Saitama, Japan)
I will go out to play after the new coronavirus settles down! For now, I'll just eat rice and be patient... (Hyogo Prefecture)
I donate every year. I would appreciate it if you could guide me to a 30 kg course of brown rice (Hyogo)
Thank you for your numerous positive messages!

▶ Inquiries: Planning and Promotion Division, Hokuryu Town Hall Tel: 0164-34-2111
Total 66 messages(Click on image to enlarge in another window)

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